December 23, 2020

Heading into 2021, California’s K-12 districts, child care providers, and colleges and universities will get about $8.5 billion in federal coronavirus relief that Congress approved this week. Leilani Aguinaldo, governmental relations director for School Services of California, outlines the K-12 portion. Districts with large numbers of low-income families will get an outsized share (see EdSource’s database  for each districts’s amount).

We end the last podcast of the year with an appreciation of teachers. Respected educator Ken Futernick describes Teacher Stories, a website he founded where parents and students can describe how teachers changed their lives; two contributors read their expressions of gratitude. And fifth-grade teacher Thomas Courtney, featured on Teacher Stories, tells us how he finds energy and joy connecting with two generations of students in his 22 years in San Diego schools.

For background on these issues, check out the following: