News Update

Gov. Newsom elaborates on options for spending $4.6 billion on extended learning time

The California Department of Finance has released a three-page “trailer bill” with more details of Gov. Newsom’s $4.6 billion proposal to make up for learning time lost as a result of the pandemic. Newsom wants the Legislature to pass the proposal quickly so that districts can start to receive funding in March, for use though June 2022.

Key details include:

The bulk of the funding would be allocated through the Local Control Funding Formula, which provides additional money for English learners, low-income and foster youths; those students should be the priority for expanded instructional time and targeted academic interventions, the bill says. Districts would separately get $1,000 for every homeless student.

Funding could go toward:

  • Extended learning time: This could be achieved through a longer day, a longer year, summer school or intersessions during an academic year.
  • Accelerated learning: Acceptable uses would be one-on-one or small-group tutoring by teachers or classified workers, and credit recovery programs.
  • Supports for students needing credits for graduation or grade promotion.
  • Community-based learning hubs, like the Oakland Citywide Virtual Family Hub, which provide technology and learning supports.
  • Mental health and social-emotional supports and counseling.
  • Teacher training.

Districts would be required to include their plans as an addendum to their Local Control and Accountability Plans, which lay out their spending priorities, and hold a hearing on updated plans.

On Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 9 a.m., the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education will hold a hearing on Newsom’s proposed spending on education, including the $4.6 billion for extending learning.